Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat non Produktif tentang pentingnya Manfaat mengenal dan menjadi Donor Darah di Unit Tranfusi Darah PMI Kota Surabaya
Blood stocks, PMI, blood donor recruitment, blood donor communityAbstract
Blood transfusion service is a health care effort that utilizes human blood as a basic ingredient with humanitarian purposes and not for commercial purposes. Blood transfusion services as one of the health efforts in order to cure disease and health recovery desperately require the availability of blood or adequate blood components, safe, accessible and affordable by the community. Each blood transfusion unit has a responsibility to meet the availability of blood in its working area. Blood availability is highly dependent on the willingness and awareness of people to donate their blood voluntarily and regularly. To achieve this, blood transfusion units need to conduct donor recruitment activities which include socialization efforts and campaign of voluntary blood donor, donor deployment and donor preservation. The need for blood is increasing in this world where 1 patient from 7 patients who are hospitalized requires a blood transfusion. Imbalance between blood supply and blood needs is increasing in the world. Currently only in 62 countries, blood supplies of 100% are derived from voluntary blood donors and 40 other countries still depend on family darai donors and paid blood donors. From the results of location analysis and info from blood transfusion Unit RS, Dr. Setomo, Surabaya PMI about the problems of lack of blood stocks at a certain moment, then make us perform a lack of public awareness about the blood Donor This, thereby giving our infiration to give intervention, counseling, convey that being a blood Donor can increase the stamina and occurrence of new erythrocytes, which can facilitate blood circulation and make the body healthier. Plan, create a community Web Site that is interested in becoming a voluntary blood Donor, so that the community is moved to become a voluntary blood Donor, of course not be separated must fulfill the requirements that the blood donation is worthy as Blood and healthy Donor, appropriate Perturan. Install Bener on a specific place, make a bag, T-shirt, key toy, a zipper box, and other knacks that can be used as the community Logo voluntary blood donor, in hopes of increasing the necessary blood stocks society. From the new results we perform to attract voluntary blood donors. Through the appeal to come to the counseling and to share Leaflet only at this early stage, there have been obtained result of increased blood stock from the results of voluntary blood donation after Community service. Obtained significant results, where there is an increase in the amount of blood in PMI, after the implementation of blood donation. There is an increase in blood stocks at that time as much as 40-50%, from the results of community devotion.