Progress of Visual Communication Amid the Rapid Development of Technology
students, technology, visual communicationAbstract
Visual Communication originates from two word, that is communication and visuals. Communication is exchange information from one individual (communicator) to other individuals (communicant) through media channels with baitcome backcertain. Where as Visual communication is something to see with eye then Visual is a process of exchange information individually between communicator and communican twith create baitback. Where to in a communication have corner different view howe verhave same goal so that the visual communication have factors in communicate visually with each in a suitable way factor used. Visual communication also hasad vantages and benefits covers The more people are looking for, the easier it is promotion work, the more appreciated in the environment Public around. Because that a visual communication hasits principles alone. Visual communication is umbrella from various activity communication using element visuals in various media in media selection forserve information so you canreceived with fine, need choosing the right media and also interesting. So that the message you want be delivered could received withe asily by the intended target.
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