Efforts to Provide Effective Communication to Early Children to Build Personality


  • Komala Dewi Muslimin STIKes Faathir Husada
  • Libertus Bage STIKes Faathir Husada
  • Cicih Yuliaswati STIKes Faathir Husada




communication effective, personality, students


Communication is something decisive factor happines ssomeone, communication is also a factor important in intertwine connection communication with child veryi mportant builtas early aspossible, proper communication could push child for grow and bloom becomes good personality, family is very environment important for development and growth as on, because family is the first teacher and role model for child. Communication between parents and children is a building process connection between parent and child, either verbally or on going non - verbalin life everyday in the environment family. Age child early think concrete and more believe with what are they seet han they are listen. Pattern good communication for formation personality good boy is pattern priority parental communication interest children and interactions. Communication is something very activity often done by everyone inside scope anything, anywhere and anytime because communication very important for life us.


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How to Cite

Muslimin, K. D., Bage, L., & Yuliaswati, C. (2023). Efforts to Provide Effective Communication to Early Children to Build Personality. Journal of Community Engagement in Health, 6(1), 114–117. https://doi.org/10.30994/jceh.v6i1.382


