School Children's Health Screening at SDN Bangsal 1 with Puskesmas Pesantren 1 Kediri City
health, school children, screeningAbstract
The guidance and development of School Health Business (UKS) in schools is carried out through three main programs (known as the UKS trias) which include health education, health services, and fostering a healthy school life environment. The health services in question include school children's health screening, otherwise known as health screening; health monitoring; and health education. The purpose of this community service is to conduct a health screening of school children at SDN Bangsal 1 Kediri City. The school health screening program will be held in February 2022, precisely at 08.00 – 12.00. The health tests carried out include eye health, ear health, skin health, teeth and reproductive health tests. An eye health test is conducted to determine whether the student suffers from color blindness, low vision, cataracts, or other diseases. A skin health test is done by checking whether there are red spots on the skin. In addition, health tests are also added to other body parts. This community service is carried out in collaboration with the Pesantren 1 Public Health Center, Kediri City. From the screening results, it was found that the health of the students of SDN Bangsal 1 Kediri City did not show any serious diseases, but some eye problems were found. The action taken by the school for students with health problems was to refer to the Pesantren 1 Public Health Center which is not far from the school, by bringing a referral letter given by the examining doctor at the health screening. The health screening program is one of the school's flagship programs. It is hoped that the students of SDN Bangsal 1 Kediri have more awareness to maintain health.
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