Prevention of Prenatal Stunting at Bhayangkara Hospital Nganjuk


  • Hari Prasetyo umar Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia
  • Ratna Wardani Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia
  • Byba Melda Suhita Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia
  • Indasah Indasah Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia
  • Yenny Puspitasari Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia
  • Tri Retnoningsih Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia



Prenatal, prevention, stunting


Efforts to prevent stunting are not only carried out at public health centers, but all agencies are expected to actively participate in preventing stunting, especially hospitals which are required to implement national programs regarding stunting. Stunting is a problem of chronic malnutrition caused by a lack of nutritional intake over a long period of time. This causes problems in the future, namely difficulties in achieving optimal physical and cognitive development. Stunted children have a lower Intelligence Quotient (IQ) than the average IQ of normal children (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2018). Stunting is defined as a condition where the child's nutritional status according to TB/U results in a Z Score = <-2 SD, this indicates a short or very short body condition resulting from growth failure. Stunting in children is also a risk factor for death, problems with low motor development, low language skills, and functional imbalance (Anwar, Khomsan, and Mauludyani, 2014). Children who experience stunting as a result of someone not getting the right amount of nutritional intake over a long period of time (chronic). So that,stunting can actually be prevented with adequate nutritional intake, especially in the first 1000 days of life. This study aims to analyze efforts to prevent stunting during the prenatal period. The method used in this research is path analysis, by combining TRA and TPB theories to obtain 3 variables, namely environment, knowledge and behavior. Based on merger theory of behavior change TRA and TPB research can be concluded that the environment social pregnant women, knowledge about efforts to prevent stunting in pregnant women and the behavior of pregnant women regarding preventing stunting are all influential. This research concludes that stunting can be prevented from influencing factors starting from the prenatal period. Because adequate nutrition and the health of pregnant women greatly influence the growth of the fetus in the womb, which if there is a lack of intake can result in stunting.


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How to Cite

umar, H. P., Wardani, R., Suhita, B. M., Indasah, I., Puspitasari, Y., & Retnoningsih, T. (2023). Prevention of Prenatal Stunting at Bhayangkara Hospital Nganjuk. Journal of Community Engagement in Health, 6(2), 280–284.




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