Treatment Compliance Education Strategy for Mentally Disordered Patients at the Bangunjaya Public Health Center, Tulungagung Regency
Education, mental disorders, treatment complianceAbstract
Mental disorders are a condition where a person has a pattern of behavior that is related to distress, which causes disturbances in their life system. People with mental disorders or what are usually called ODGJ will be accompanied by symptoms in the form of hallucinations, illusions and strange behavior, for example Catatonic or aggressive, ODGJ experience disorders in the form of behavioral disorders, thought disorders, and emotional disorders so that their function as humans will also experience obstacles. The aim of this research is to provide an overall picture of Treatment Compliance Education Strategy for Mentally Disordered Patients at the Bangunjaya Public Health Center, Tulungagung Regency. Design The research used USG method in this research. Referring to the problem, the author proposes an idea to optimize the delivery of education to the families of patients who visit the to carry out routine checks. Treatment compliance carried out at public health centers can be the right place to do this. With this education, it is hoped that knowledge will increase to always comply with the treatment being carried out.Downloads
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